
HackerRank implementation 011 Grading Students

dev_yeon 2017. 10. 18. 13:55

HackerLand University has the following grading policy:

  • Every student receives a  in the inclusive range from  to .
  • Any  less than  is a failing grade.

Sam is a professor at the university and likes to round each student's  according to these rules:

  • If the difference between the  and the next multiple of  is less than , round  up to the next multiple of .
  • If the value of  is less than , no rounding occurs as the result will still be a failing grade.

For example,  will be rounded to  but  will not be rounded because the rounding would result in a number that is less than .

Given the initial value of  for each of Sam's  students, write code to automate the rounding process. For each , round it according to the rules above and print the result on a new line.

Input Format

The first line contains a single integer denoting  (the number of students). 
Each line  of the  subsequent lines contains a single integer, , denoting student 's grade.


Output Format

For each  of the  grades, print the rounded grade on a new line.

Sample Input 0


Sample Output 0


Explanation 0


  1. Student  received a , and the next multiple of  from  is . Since , the student's grade is rounded to .
  2. Student  received a , and the next multiple of  from  is . Since , the grade will not be modified and the student's final grade is .
  3. Student  received a , and the next multiple of  from  is . Since , the student's grade will be rounded to .
  4. Student  received a grade below , so the grade will not be modified and the student's final grade is .